10 Months Old Today!
Our little Sophia will be 9 months old next week and 8 months has brought many new experiences for everyone. Sophia got over her fear of being on her stomach which quickly led to army crawling, crawling, sitting up and trying to pull herself up. She went from limited mobility to pretty darn mobile in a couple of days. It has kept Jeremy and I on our feet. She has a new game that she loves to play at the grocery store. It is let’s reach outside the cart and grab everything that is within reach. And let me tell you there is surprisingly a lot of stuff within her reach. All this new motion has increased the number of bumps and bruises that Sophia gets. She takes most of them in stride, but every once in awhile there is one that will hurt her feelings more than anything else.
Communication! Sophia thinks that louder will get the point across quicker. She is definitely developing her own little vocabulary. She was big on “dada” for a little while, but lately it has mostly been a lot of “awes”. Very loudly! And of course there is still a lot of growling.
Sophia still does not have any teeth, but I am still certain they are going to show up any minute. She loves her baby food and is just now starting to be able to chew a select few things. I actually think she could eat more things, but she only chews a few times before she tries to swallow and then usually gags. Her hair is slowly coming in. Well I am not sure if coming in is the right term really. Basically her fuzz has gotten a little bit longer on the top. She is definitely growing like a weed in every other way though! Right now we think she is about 21 lbs and 30 inches long. This would make her in the 80th percentile for weight and 97th percentile for height!
Our little girl still seems to be catching just about any bug that she comes into contact with and thanks to daycare we are not in short supply. I feel horrible for her when she is sick. The last bug was a cold that turned into a sinus infection and then bronchitis. Over a month later and a second round of a stronger antibiotic the cough is finally starting to subside and allow her and I some sleep at night. I try to not miss any work unless it is Sophia related, but unfortunately on Friday I ended up leaving early because Mom had caught a bug. Fortunately it was just a 48 hour thing and Daddy was around to pick up the slack.
We are fortunate to have my dad around a lot more these days due to a change in his position at Swift. Sophia loves her Grandpa Williams and usually lights up when she sees him. She likes to touch his beard and show off a little for him. We are really happy to have him around more these days.
(Those are her great grandpa Williams' ears. Lucky her!)
Growing like a weed! Literally. Sophia is getting so big. We were at the doctor’s office this week (another cold) and she is 19lbs 12oz. I am not sure how long she is, but she is in 12 month old clothes for the most part now. We are into the stage 2 foods now and she really loves her solids. So much so that the bottle has become somewhat of a battle at every feeding. She likes almost everything that we have offered her, with the exception to peaches and spring vegetables (they slipped some spinach into those, Yuck!)
(Cruisin' now with the dogs)
She loves to stand and frequently will go from laying down to standing with your assistance. Bouncing and being upside down are usually her favorite positions. Our friend, Ashley, has loaned us their walker (Thank you!) and she is really enjoying it. But I am not sure if she understands she is the one behind making it move. The walker has opened up a whole new world of exploration for her and my eyes on the need to baby proof the house. She can reach a lot more with the walker and had cleared an end table before I even realized what was happening.
So much going on… Nightime has become a bit of a battle with her. She seems to get so busy with everything that she can’t calm herself down to go to sleep. I am certain that she has RLS (Restless Legs Syndrome). Rubbing her back and legs seems to help some, but for the most part it is a battle for at least 15-30 minutes. And it leaves mom done for the evening. The good news is that once she is down, she is a really good sleeper and will sleep through the night. (Unless we are battling a cough and snot, that is a whole other nighttime enemy.)
Still a sweet soul… Sophia is a very social baby and will give just about anyone a smile that approaches her with one. Everywhere we go people stop to remark on what a cute baby she is. And I won’t pretend…I really do love it. I believe that she is going to be a child that leaves happiness wherever she goes. And with all that sweetness comes sensitivity too. I don’t think she is going to be the tough “tom-boy”. Minimal pain or being startled will elicit a flow of tears that are not easily comforted.
We are looking forward to summer wrapping up. Not just because the heat has been unbearable the past couple of weeks, but we have a couple of trips planned to see family. A short trip to TX over Labor Day to see my mom and their house on the Lake. And then Christmas with Jeremy’s family in SC. It will be exciting to introduce Sophia to all her extended family.
For now, best wishes to everyone and stay out of the heat!